Workshops, presentations and seminars

Do you want to find out more about The Resolute Woman? You can read our blog, and you can read our book.

Fayteen and Joy also speak and lead seminars. (Click HERE for more information about our qualifications.)

We speak about a number of topics, including:

  • Help Yourself! The Resolute Woman’s approach to making and achieving goals.
  • If you can lose 20 pounds, you can save the world—or do almost anything. How to help yourself win the battle with the scales and other skirmishes, too.
  • The Resolute Woman at work. How The Resolute Woman manages her work life and her other lives, too, without going crazy.
  • Building your network. How making friends and developing strong relationships can enrich your life.
  • Goals for growing older gracefully. How to use the wisdom you’ve learned to make new goals and achieve them.
  • Taking care of yourself and someone else, too. The Balancing Act.  How to take care of your children or your parent and yourself, too.

We also can lead seminars on any of these topics.

For more information, write to us at