The Resolute Woman: Self-help advice for grownups
The Resolute Woman doesn’t wait passively for success to come to her. She has goals and a plan so that she is ready to seize opportunities. She clings to her plan. She retains her focus on her destination.
Frankly, we were reluctant to use the phrase The Resolute Woman at first. We kept asking ourselves: Do we want to imply that hard work is required to get what you want? Do we mean that getting what you want can be difficult? Do we need to be a little more optimistic if we expect people to read our book?
Do we want to imply that hard work is required to get what you want? Yes, we do.
Do we mean that getting what you want can be difficult—maybe even impossible sometimes? Yes, we do.
Do we need to be a little more optimistic if we expect people to read our blog and our book? We are optimistic. We expect many good things to happen in our lives and in your life, too. However, we are seeking realistic solutions, and we are grownups who accept that life isn’t always simple or easy.