Happy 100th blog post

We’re giving ourselves a pat on the back.

This is our 100th blog post. Amazing. We’ve written three blog posts a week since February. With one exception. There was one week when Joy was busy and forgot to post one blog post.

We’re proud of what we have done. We have enjoyed sharing with you and getting some feedback from you. We have learned a lot.

What’s next? More blog posts. Also, we want to hear more from you. What lessons have you learned as a Resolute Woman? What topics would you like for us to discuss? What do you think about what we’re writing?

How do you comment? If you’re getting our blog posts as e-mail, you’ll have to go to our website. If you’re reading this on our website, all you have to do is go to the bottom of the page.

We’re also planning to finish our book. Soon! It’s a big project, but we can do big projects. We’re Resolute Women.

As Goethe once said, “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”


One response to “Happy 100th blog post”

  1. You have truly taught children of your work and practice.