So many amazing things

I just read Wild by Cheryl Strayed again before my book club discussed the book.

I was impressed by Strayed’s tenacity. Even though her boots were too small and her backpack was too heavy and the snow was too slippery, she kept hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

On her journey, she remembered her mother’s death and her father’s neglect.

“That was my father, the man who hadn’t fathered me,” Strayed wrote. “It amazed me every time. Again and again and again. Of all the wild things, his failure to love me the way he should have had always been the wildest thing of all. But on that night as I gazed out over the darkening land fifty-something nights out on the PCT, it occurred to me that I didn’t have to be amazed by him anymore.

“There were so many other amazing things in this world.”

For me, this is a powerful message. I, too, carry sad memories, but I, too, live in an amazing world filled with so many good things.


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