Fayteen and I have been working on our book for a long time. ( I must admit that I am embarrassed to say how long.)
Finally, last year we decided that we would start a blog and then finish the book while we are doing the blog. We are blogging! But we are not finishing our book.
For Fayteen, it’s okay. Her first priority now is taking care of her daughter who has breast cancer. But I recently realized that it’s not okay for me to delay any longer.
I have been making excuses for postponing the work on our book. I have been telling myself that our first priority is to make sure our blog is running smoothly. We need to add some art work. We need to read other blogs. We need to get feedback from a few friends before we tell the world to read our blog.
It’s time for me to make finishing our book my first priority. It’s time for me to confess that I am afraid that our book won’t be a bestseller and everyone won’t think it’s wonderful. It’s time for me to realize that it’s okay if our book isn’t perfect, that it’s not going to be perfect and some people won’t like it, that it might be interesting and helpful to some people even if it’s not perfect.
Now it’s time to proceed. To stop thinking about it. To take action and get the job done.
I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes. As Goethe said, “Whatever we can do, or dream we can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”