I often find inspiration in unexpected places.
While I waiting a long time in the podiatrist’s office to check about my swollen toe, I opened up WebMD magazine to an article titled “Ready to Order—Have a clutter problem? Get to the root of it and learn how to clean up your act for good.”
The first paragraph seemed written just for me—almost.
“Take a look around your house,” wrote the author Colleen Oakley. “Do you see papers piled on counters? Clothing stuffed into drawers? Linen closets that look like war zones?”
Yes, I could envision the stack of papers on my office desk and on the small desk in the kitchen and on the counter in my bathroom. Yes, I knew exactly which drawers Colleen was talking about.
But, a “war zone” in my linen closet? The closet is in bad shape, but it’s not that bad.
Still, I got the message. It’s time to make some new year’s resolutions and clean up my act. I’m going to get rid of the clutter in my house. I’m going to lose five pounds. I’m going to call my friend I’ve been planning to call for months.