Girls who spend more time outdoors are better problem solvers, and they are more ready to seek challenges. Plus, they’re more interested in environmental stewardship.
Those are the conclusions from a 2012 national study by the Girl Scout Research Institute. And, we conclude that what’s good for girls must be good for women, too. We’re planning some outdoor activities.
Here are some more interesting facts from the website of the Girl Scout Research Institute.
* In 2001, 1 in 2.5 girls participated in high school sports, according to the Women’s Sports Foundation. That’s up from 1 in 27 in 1971.
* The more physically active girls are, the greater their self-esteem and the more satisfied they are with their weight, regardless of how much they weigh. That fact is from 2006 Girl Scout Research Institute study.
* In 2005, 72 percent of high school females did not meet recommended levels of physical activity, compared to 56 percent of high school males, according to a Centers for Disease Control study.