The big pile on my desk

My brother James and his new wife, Jeany, came to visit.

Although James and Jeany have been married almost exactly one year, this was the first time Jeany has visited our house. So, I had decided to impress her with my cooking and my clean house.

I decided immediately what to cook. I baked my husband’s favorite—an applesauce cake. “It’s your Valentine’s present,” I told Jerry, “but you’ll have to share with James and Jeany.”

Deciding what to do to get our house in good order was more difficult. Oh, my gosh! Where should I start?

I finally spent a long evening sorting through a giant pile of papers that had lived on my desk for months.

I was proud of myself when I finished and admired my clean desk—until I realized that I should have taken a “before” photo so that James and Jeany would know how much work I did to get ready for their visit.

“Maybe they’ll think my desk is clean all the time!” I told Jerry.

Of course, James and Jeany liked the applesauce cake, and we had a wonderful visit. They came to spend time with us, not to inspect our house.