Category: wisdom
We are in this together
“Our unity is our strength, and our diversity is our power. We reject the myth of us vs. them. We are in this together,” Kamala Harris says.
More buried wisdom
I am sorting through more papers—and more papers. Getting ready for a major house renovation. More papers! And, I have found more words of wisdom. I have always liked this poem by Mary Oliver—especially the last two lines. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life?” –Joy
To find meaning
“It’s an absurd thing—life, we try to find meaning,” write Einar and Jamex de la Torre in the words that accompany their art exhibit at the Philbrook Museum in Tulsa.
“It seemed both proper and at the same time deeply unfair that so much of life was left to chance,” says Claire Keegan, author of Small Things Like These.
Questions and answers
I found this quote in a museum in Guanajuato, Mexico, and thought about it as I finished reading Claire Keegan’s book Small Things Like These. “A work of art does not answer questions. It provokes them, and its essential meaning is the tension between contradictory answers,” the musician Leonard Bernstein once said. –Joy
Owls are wise
In her book What an Owl Know—The New Science of the World’s Most Enigmatic Birds, Jennifer Ackerman says that owls are intelligent. It’s true that an owl’s brain would easily fit into a nut—but owls have relatively large brains for their body size. Also, scientists have discovered that what really matters in intelligent brains is…
Changing your mind?
Once, when someone accused Abraham Lincoln of changing his mind, Lincoln replied, “Yes, I have, and I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”