“All his life he’s been longing for company and nobody has wanted him….He has no charm and he knows it. Can’t connect. Can’t hear people thinking,” says Dulcie.
“Can’t help being what he is. He knows that nobody ever liked him. Haven’t I a duty to him?”
Fayteen and I both know people who, for one reason or another or for lots of reasons, don’t connect. We are going to remember that we have a duty to be kind to them.
Dulcie is one of the characters in Jane Gardam’s Old Filth trilogy.
2 responses to “What’s our duty?”
Woaw, je ne savais pas que d'autres pensaient aussi comme ça… Merci d'en avoir parlé, je me sens moins seule d'un coup et tu viens d'égayer ma journée :)Et au moment où j'écris ces lignes, le soleil vient d&r9p;a3paraît#e. Coïncidence ? Non…
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