Spring cleaning advice from Anna Quindlen

Anna Quindlen has a new book called Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, and we’ll write more about it after we’ve read it.

But, we thought Anna’s wise words about “stuff” might be helpful immediately.

In her new book, Anna Quindlen says: “I have a lot of stuff. I bet you do, too….There was a period when I believed stuff meant something. I thought that if you had matching side chairs and a sofa that harmonized and some beautiful lamps to light them, you would have a home, that elegance slgnaled happiness….Now that I’m nearing 60, I understand the truth about possessions, that they mean or prove or solve nothing. Stuff is not salvation.”

We found this quote in an article in the April 22 issue of Parade.


One response to “Spring cleaning advice from Anna Quindlen”

  1. […] You can read more about Quindlen’s book here. […]