Try the Goldilocks approach

What’s the Goldilocks approach? Remember the girl with the golden ringlets? She visited the Three Bears, looked at what they had to offer and took what suited her best.

You can do the same when you get advice from books or friends or people who are supposed to be experts. Think about the advice that’s offered and consider if it suits you. If you decide that it might be good advice for you, try following it and see if it works for you.

We recently heard the term “the Goldilocks approach” in advice from Dr. Anthony Goodman, a adjunct professor of medicine at Montana State University. His course “Lifelong Health: Achieving Optimum Well-Being at Any Age” is available from The Great Courses, which offers lectures from college professors on audio or video.

Dr. Goldman talks about health. “When it comes to life-long health, we’re all different in terms of what resources we need and what advice works for us,” he says. “What’s important is that you craft the healthy lifestyle that works just right for you.”

That’s exactly what we think is best for The Resolute Woman. Get as much advice as you can. Then, decide what works for you.


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