My son Jay just got a new car. That’s the good news.
And the bad news? The third day Jay was driving the car, he called his father. “The car is okay,” he said, “but….”
My husband panicked immediately. His mind leaping ahead after Jay’s first words, he feared a terrible accident.
Jay had turned a corner, and, unfortunately, a tire had come into contact with the sharp edge of an old pipe that was on the curb. The tire was torn, and Jay had to purchase a new tire, but Jay and the car both were okay.
Jay’s experience reminded me of the first time I had to take my first new car to the repair shop.
I called my father in tears. Miles away, he felt frustrated because he couldn’t help me. “You can’t cry every time you have car trouble,” he said.
I always remember the story because my father, whose birthday is today, gave me good advice. Cars will need repairs. We all have problems, big and small. We have to proceed with our lives as calmly as possible.