Category: things-to-do
Tiger Days
Yesterday we installed Christmas lights in the bushes in our front yard, hung our stockings and removed boxes of Christmas decorations from the closet. It was a Tiger Day—as described by M.H. Clark in the book Tiger Days. On Tiger Days, I want to climb. I want to climb and I’m fierce. I pace around…
You must do something
John Lewis encouraged us to make “good trouble.” It’s good advice to remember this Memorial Day weekend, which also marks the 100th year since the Tulsa race riot. “You must do something. Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part,” Lewis said.
It’s okay to do nothing
I am cleaning the drawers in my desk. The task makes me feel productive—which makes me feel better. I have to remind myself that it’s also okay to do nothing. My husband, Jerry, read an article in The New York Times by a psychologist or psychiatrist who emphasized that message: All of us are feeling…
The exhausting everydayathon
I’ve been busy this week. Of course, I’m not the only one who is too busy. Most people today are too busy, writes Brigid Schulte in the March 14, 2014, issue of The Washington Post. Schulte is the author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time. “Somewhere around the end…
It’s time to play
In his book Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul, Dr. Christopher Vaughan advises us to spend more time playing. Play, he says, is whatever you love to do, and spending more time doing what you love to do will improve your work and your relationships. “There isn’t any…
The dog days of summer
It’s hot in Dallas. The dog days of summer—“the hot, sultry period of summer between early July and early September”—aptly describes the season in Texas. My dog Ginger understands perfectly how to survive in the dog days of summer. She’s up early and ready for a morning walk, but she’s content to spend most of…
“There is work to do”
On December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white male passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, she signaled the start of the modern-day civil rights movement. Many people don’t realize that Parks had worked for equal rights many years before that day in 1955, and she continued…
But or and?
In his book A Whole New Mind—Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, Daniel Pink offers a number of simple exercises. The one we liked best is called “But Out.” If you have changes that you would like to make, but you think you’re blocked by obstacles, make a list of those changes and what’s keeping…
Take time to look at the clouds
I plopped down in my seat, pulled out my book and started reading while the rest of the passengers filed into the airplane. I probably wouldn’t have taken my eyes off my good book until the stewardess inquired about what I wanted to drink, but I suddenly heard an excited, small voice ask, “Are we…
Three warnings for gulpers
We talked in our last blog post about my brother James’ observation that people can be divided into gulpers and sippers. Gulpers, he says, are thirsty for life. They enjoy life. Sippers, however, are afraid their good luck or wonderful experience won’t last. They are the type who sip slowly and conserve their drink. We…